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viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Electronic Conspiracy Theory

The electronic conspiracy theory or conspiracy theory of virtual money is a variant of the modern mythology of conspiracy theory and the New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum, the set in dollar bills).

The electronic conspiracy is the belief that a secret society seeks to achieve world domination for centuries, now aspiring to the domain computer on the planet.

Proponents of this theory have pointed to some Masonic obedience course and even a group much more obscure, who have called the New Illuminati and are organized according to the method of Chinese boxes.

According to this theory, the worldwide dominion has been planned since antiquity and follows the following phases:

  1. The substitution of money by paper currencies. This process took place in the Renaissance to the early use of bills, which allowed for people to have a tangible asset (pieces of silver and copper metal), with a more virtual, but comfortable: a role on the the state is committed to provide the amount of money in coins, if so required.

  2. The appearance of virtual money, with the so-called credit cards: the money becomes more virtual. It is not even paper, but a series of numbers recorded on magnetic tape.

  3. The emergence of the Internet and electronic commerce. It goes without cards: from a computer you can buy and sell. This phase connects the theory of the Antichrist and the Internet identification of 666.

  4. The global banking concentration in fewer hands, through continued international bank mergers.

  5. The banks without headquarters building (existing), ie, virtual banks with virtual money, which is accessed only by Internet or telephone calls.

  6. The global implementation of an electronic ID (diligently instituted, for example, in Spain, in 2007).
    Today we have reached the sixth and penultimate stage.

  7. The global blackout or the great economic crisis. A tremendous economic disaster will occur, either through a major power outage on a planetary scale, in which details of all current accounts were deleted simultaneously, either through an artificially induced economic crisis in the financial markets. After the chaos, poverty will immediately around the globe and return to the primitive forms of slavery to survive, ultimate goal of this "secret organization" which has spent centuries guiding this process. The worldwide blackout will be preceded by partial blackouts that would only be tests and "signals" to communicate that will meet the various stages of the process. An example of such partial blackouts would be those that occurred in different parts of the world and almost simultaneously, in the early twenty-first century, shortly after the tragic events of 11-S: the blackouts in the U.S. and Canada, in Australia and London.

This controversial article, just written in the Wikipedia in Spanish, was proposed on WN for disposal. Although the outcome of the consultation was that this article should be retained and, although it was not a primary source, but the collection of existing theories on this subject, which brought literature, was ruthlessly deleted anyway, in violation of the rules themselves in Spanish Wikipedia. Such controversies and the eagerness qualifier by administrators do more than feed the question of whether that article does not contain a grain of truth and that the best way to control human knowledge is controlling the Wikipedia, which has become virtually sole source of advice worldwide.

The original intention of this article was used as bait for the administrators so that if there was any truth in it, it would demonstrate in attempts to delete it relentlessly when it is logical to ridicule or treat it as a product of an imaginative mind and child.

On the controversy generated by the previous article echoed some blogs, such as Pilas Alkalinas, Dodo's Nest, We Get Out of Hand ..., or Wikipedia as Siabef.

This article was also published in Catalan Wikipedia. After the appearance of this blog and following a vote, was also permanently deleted it.

The article "Electronic Conspiracy Theory" was published earlier in the Wikipedia in English by El filoloco within the article List of Conspiracy Theories: Electronic banking conspiracy under license "GNU Free Documentation." Following the publication of this blog and after a vote, was also permanently deleted it.

Picture "USA_Great_Seal_Reverse.png" from Commons, licensed "GNU Free Documentation."

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El filóloco en sus mejores momentos

El filóloco fue inmediatamente expulsado de la Wikipedia por dar a conocer los artículos: El 666 y su identificación con Internet y Teoría de la conspiración electrónica.
(Aunque no es el único en esa situación.)

Imagen "Loco4.jpg" y todas sus derivadas, procedentes de Commons, basadas en Mad_scientist.svg, bajo licencia "Libre de documentación GNU".

...Y tras su expulsión

Así se quedó el Filóloco cuando se enteró de que había sido expulsado para siempre de Wikipedia

666 noticias curiosas ... y más:


Mis userboxes en la Wikipedia


Imagen "Loco4.jpg" y todas sus derivadas, procedentes de Commons, basadas en Mad_scientist.svg, bajo licencia "Libre de documentación GNU".

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 contenidos de los textos de este blog se publican bajo una licencia de Creative Commons By-Nc-Sa 2.5 para España.



El sueño de la razón

El sueño de la razón
El sueño de la razón produce monstruos, de Francisco de Goya