"La inteligencia de una sociedad es inversamente proporcional a su deseo de ser sometida por su propio Gobierno". (El Filóloco)

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Índice General (no detengas el script)            Por Fecha           Muro

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Zapatero's eyebrows

I find it amazing how in this country that, pedantically, you try to strut before the world as a champion of individual freedoms, little by little, the freedom of information is undergoing a gradual process that will serve restrictive, dropper, and at the scheduled time, the news that the socialist government to filter.

This story comes to that, yesterday, at about 14:30 pm, a radio station -I do not know if Intereconomía or esRadio- announced that the Basque terrorist group ETA had issued a statement in which temporarily suspended the use of weapons (one more of many truces-trap that we have used this mob so repetitive and predictable).

As the news was not without interest, presto, at 15:00 I turned on the television to hear the news more closely on the news of La Uno, the state submissive chain to hypocritically socialist government.

But I was greatly surprised to see that there was no talk at all the case. I went then to the Socialist CNN+ -chain mat, this time, private (both financially and intelligence)- in case there was referred the subject.

But nothing.

I went to the channel, too publicly, 24 Horas and nothing.

I began to wonder if these right-wing radio stations to which I am so fond offered more than information, desires, and that gave as news.

I forgot the matter until today, at 15:00, on returning to the news of La Uno, there was talk of that statement, as if something had happened only a few minutes ago.

But I heard the news yesterday and no television station said anything...!

In short, gentlemen, I have concluded that the news was known for at least 24 hours and that from the Ministry of the Interior -for whatever reason- was given the "order" to postpone its communication. Order must be assumed submissive position and prayed to Allah for all or nearly all television stations...

This is another example of how in Spain, since he has returned to rule the socialism, freedom of access to information starts to become scarce and entirely deficient, as the economy that are destroying so painstakingly gang of inept Attilas.

Moreover, and in other matters, did not realize how quickly all terrorist groups come to be felt, with a surprise action, provided that elections are approaching in which the PSOE need a survey that will trace effects are entirely...?

I mean, if the PSOE ETA requires redo Paripe a truce feigned, for the unwary and enthralled voters think that socialism will finally ending with the terrorist, there are the nice vascorros, with its Capuchita tortilla and black on the head, giving us a respite from all faked.

When the PSOE has already passed the election, it will be time to get back at it again killer, but while, the terrorist group has no problem in practice with the rescue breathing.

I also remember this other aid received socialism, thanks to a criminal attack, the largest in the history of Europe, and that catapulted him to power, to the shame of reason and good nature.

And one last thing: I suggest a fun hobby such as those included in the crossword puzzle magazines ...

Challenge to the discerning reader to discover any resemblance between the two images below include:

See also: Zadlander: Negotiating with ETA government never ended: now ETA announced another cease-fire

View the video on You Tube

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El filóloco en sus mejores momentos

El filóloco fue inmediatamente expulsado de la Wikipedia por dar a conocer los artículos: El 666 y su identificación con Internet y Teoría de la conspiración electrónica.
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Así se quedó el Filóloco cuando se enteró de que había sido expulsado para siempre de Wikipedia

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El sueño de la razón

El sueño de la razón
El sueño de la razón produce monstruos, de Francisco de Goya