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Índice General (no detengas el script)            Por Fecha           Muro

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

September 11 Conspiranoia

"It may be the result of one of my paranoid mind, but I remember the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11...

It was about 15:00 in Spain and saw live the attack on the second tower of the World Trade Center. I do not know if I was watching Spanish TV or Antena 3, but was then Matías Prats who presented the news.

I wore a while watching the same image: the first tower burning. The second tower was not seen, as it was fully covered by the first.

When I was about to leave, because he was tired of seeing the same thing all the time, I saw a new explosion. At first I thought it had re-ignited the same tower that was burning, because the latter was completely blocked by the first, in the image offered by the camera, and so I told my family.

Shortly after they took me from doubt and said it had broken the second tower.

I remember well those times.

Well, years later the images have been repeated, with the first tower completely covering the second and, suddenly, on the same appear the second plane coming from the right and crashing.

I swear again and again that, when I saw the event live, no plane had appeared on the right. However, the camera angle was exactly the same.

I thought that my forgetfulness is due to a distraction and should not have to look for on the aircraft when it crashed.

But what was my surprise when, a few months ago, again repeating the same images I had seen it!: the first tower appeared covering the second and, shortly after, the latter broke. But that did not show any aircraft on the right!

And never again have such pictures since then, but the others in which, from the same camera appears on the right plane.

First I wanted to ask you if any of you saw the pictures I saw, live, without airplane or anything similar.

All this makes me remember the images of the alleged plane crashing into the Pentagon, which did not seem to aircraft, but an elongated missile which left a narrow hole that could not have done a spacious passenger plane. On this subject were published several books in which it was said that the Pentagon was not hit by another plane.

Also, in other images of the second plane (the "ghost" plane of the second tower) taken from another angle and showed the world that long after the tragedy, appeared as a strange square tank attached to the base plane. Some conspiranoids said it was a "deposit extra" fuel to stay in the aircraft order, which would have been manufactured specifically to produce the disaster.

Others, like me, thought that maybe this "deposit" was a simple failure of the "draftsman" who joined a small plane to a place where it never was.

Did anyone see the second plane live?"

... I wrote this six months ago.

... But today, May 7, 2009 ... Finally I found the images of the outbreak of the second tower that the plane does not appear on the right!: The solution has been to go to You Tube, sort the videos of attack on the twin towers in reverse order and start date to see, one by one, the first videos they sent.

At the very beginning of this video I found you can see that the second tower explodes without any aircraft approaching from the right!:

Do not you still see clearly? Well look at this video:

This is exactly what I saw.

Later images were broadcast in which it does appear the plane coming from the right, which we are all in our memory mixed with the original real images.

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El filóloco en sus mejores momentos

El filóloco fue inmediatamente expulsado de la Wikipedia por dar a conocer los artículos: El 666 y su identificación con Internet y Teoría de la conspiración electrónica.
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Así se quedó el Filóloco cuando se enteró de que había sido expulsado para siempre de Wikipedia

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El sueño de la razón

El sueño de la razón
El sueño de la razón produce monstruos, de Francisco de Goya