At one level, a group of "chosen" in the sect acquired over time the privilege of climbing a step in the sliding scale group, with a commitment to report on possible deviations from their immediately below, all in return for new "revelations" about the ultimate goals of the organization. Those who have ascended to a higher level than the latter, have the same role with respect to the above, in exchange for privileged information. The sect is well structured, like a box tucked inside another box, stuck within another, or like a Russian doll (matryoshka) that contains within it many other smaller dolls. Only those members of the organization are at their most dominating interior are actually sectarian organization.
In the modern mythology of the conspiracy theory has been ascribed this structure not only sectarian organizations, but organizations "discrete" as the Masons. According to a myth of modern conspiracy mythology, within the latter organization (divided into 33 grades in traditional obedience that would be structured according to the method of Chinese boxes) are also inserted at the same time, as another Chinese box, another organization that would actually dominate many of the Masonic obedience. This ultra-secret organization (divided in turn according to that method of Chinese boxes) have called the New Illuminati.

This article was deleted from the Spanish Wikipedia "democratically" without being subjected to any AfD, as is increasingly common, despite describing a method of operation of the sectarian groups explained in most books on this topic.
The article "Method of Chinese boxes" has been previously published by The Filóloco in Epistemowikia under license "GNU Free Documentation".
Image "Jinpingmei_Case.jpg" public domain, from Commons.
Image "Russian-Matroshka_no_bg.jpg" from Commons, licensed "GNU Free Documentation".
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